On-going support to the hurricane-ravaged residents of Pearlington, Mississippi

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Pearlington, Mississippi ... a war zone

a phone message from Jon.....

Jon spent the day at a Relief Centre in Pearlington, Mississippi. He says the town is like a war zone - and he has seen a war zone, so I trust his description. A ten foot surge hit the town and took out every home. Only the school, made of bricks, was still standing, though it was gutted. I think he said that 600 people are homeless.

Jon assisted in the collection of generators, tarps and supplies for those who need them. They have given him a small tent so that he can stay close. They are delighted that a Canadian would come to help them.

It is possible that we won't hear too much more from him for a few days, as he lives and works in the most affected area where there is no telephone service. He asks you to direct your prayers and light for those who live there - and all of those affected adversely by this trauma. They need so much support and, from our comfortable homes, we can work miracles through our connectedness of Spirit.

Let us pray.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news this morning warned of a lot of false charity operators - many from Canada. I hope you will have no problems.

8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Marian and praise to both of you. We would not be informed if it not for Marian's help. Waiting for more news...God Bless and be careful. Nancy

10:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not alone - we are thinking of you, sending prayers and money. Please take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. As always, you demonstrate a strength of spirit and conviction that I admire and respect.

Keep in touch. We'll be reading regularly.

10:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Jon - has anybody heard from him? I am freakin out here.
Jon ...........come home, we need your singin. Heard you were down there in the south chasing ambulances in a red Durango fire truck.

9:00 AM


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