A Question....
Plans for Project: Pearlington are coming together. We are working on a complete re-vamping of Dream School International's web site - thanks to my step-son Paul Keetch in Vancouver. We also have set up a new blog with full instructions for sponsoring a Hope Chest. Check it out at:
This is a good link to send friends who may be interested in the project.
This blog and the new one are linked (see the links section to the right) and please notice the photos to the right that you can view courtesy of www.flickr.com.
Today, we hear the grim news coming out of Pakistan. I know, if the resources were present, I may already have left to go there and offer my help. In times like these, with so many in need all around the world, it is hard to know what to support and where to send money that will make a real difference. So, I have a question for you that may help:
What would LOVE do?
For me, the answer is "everything I can." In a country like Canada, "broke" is such a relative term, don't you think? Self-respect and self-esteem are the wages of generosity and I know from long experience that when you reach out in service to another, you are changed - blessed, somehow - by the experience and everybody wins. But, just sending money can feel hollow when there is no feedback or evidence that you made a difference.
I make this promise to you: Dream School, as it always has, will ensure that the aid we gather will reach its target EVERY time. I have commited my life to ensuring it.
Give Dream School a chance to prove it to you.
Sponsor a HOPE CHEST.
"There's a hole in the world tonight,
There's a cloud of fear and sorrow,
There's a hole in the world tonight,
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow...."
There's a cloud of fear and sorrow,
There's a hole in the world tonight,
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow...."
Bless us all,
Keep up the good work Jon!
I will continue to carry your message to Pearlington, and I can't wait to see you there again!!
Don't forget I've got plenty of space for you and any one with you if you need a free place to stay on your way down!
Much Love!
Camp Renegaide
Serving Under a Redder Cross
1:22 PM
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