Live from Pearlington - 13

It’s Thanksgiving in Pearlington and I have much for which to be grateful.
I’m grateful for the chance to come here and to remember who I truly am. I am grateful that I am filled to the brim with the love of the best woman alive and memories that will sustain me for the rest of my life. I give thanks for the people of Pearlington and this chance to serve.
There are so many to thank for all they’ve done that I will have to do so personally, when I get home. There is more to do before I go, tasks I’ve assigned myself, Dreams I can yet fulfil for a few others; a little girl needs a library, a kind and gentle father needs a home for his family and a proud, hard-working man needs a chance. These things I will do before I leave, if it is God’s will.
Thank you for reading this and for supporting me in this adventure. Thanks to all who have been inconvenienced and who have put their own needs aside in my absence. I will miss this mess, this small bayou town where hope still lives and where smiles and laughter abounds when I walk into the Pearl*Mart and announce that “Canada Jon is in the house!” I will miss striding through the compound as I make my rounds at dawn, welcoming the day and all its Angels with a hearty “Good morning, Pearlington!” I will miss these people who taught me that unconditional love is the only love that’s true and that making a difference is what we were sent to this planet to do. I will miss the Americans who have become my friends and who have taught me why this country is great. I will even miss the clipboards, who helped me hone my anger management skills, taught me that great people deserve great leadership and that wonderful hearts will perform despite the lack of it.
It’s Thanksgiving in Pearlington and I have much for which to be grateful and there are miracles yet to be done.
Happy Thanksgiving Canada Jon,
You've done an incredible job under very difficult and tragic circumstances. As a Mississippian I sincerely appreciate everything you and many other volunteers have done for those who have lost so much.
Have a safe trip home. Your fine deeds do not go unnoticed.
10:31 AM
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